We are SO ex­cit­ed to an­nounce our new part­ner­ship with This Is Not A Ke­tubah (Yes It Is!) — or as many know them as, Team Ke­tubah! This Is Not a Ke­tubah is a col­lec­tive of Ar­gen­tine and New York Jew­ish artists who love both fol­low­ing the an­cient Jew­ish tra­di­tions, and tak­ing high art to the next level—in the most fun of ways, while do­ing every­thing withTzedakah in mind at every moment.

Their range of beau­ti­ful de­signs and styles made them the per­fect fit for our Wood Ke­tubahs, and we could­n’t be more thrilled to be launch­ing our part­ner line of Wood Ke­tubahs with TINAK de­signs. If we were a movie, we would def­i­nite­ly be The Per­fect Storm. Ex­cept we’re not try­ing to cause de­struc­tion — just to blow you away with our unique line of fine-art wood Ke­tubahs.